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Friday, April 15, 2011

Art Class

So, I'm at school right now, in art class, which just automatically rocks!! I swear art class is like the only reason I go to school anymore....Anyway, we're assigned to do a study on a famous artist and represent him/her in our own art. I'm thinking of doing something connected to my Ana, but it has to be a famous artist, so it could be kind of hard, maybe a photographer? Or realist, like someone who deals with tragedy issues and third world issue.

Maybe I do a collage of many of artists? Using Ana parts only? I don't really know....but I did find a really awesome blogger:

She isn't ana but her style and nails are wicked. I might try to contact her and ask for help with my nails?

Check out some her photos:

Pretty wicked, hey? I wish I could stuff like that, I don't know if she just takes really awesome photos or actually does these nails, but either way I'm a big fan of her.

So, I made Samosas and Potato fries yesterday, I brought them to share with my friend at lunch. I hope she likes them, I just have to get away with not eating.....might be kinda hard....I hope I can figure it out before 12....

I feel amazing today so it'll be nail thinspo today!



I feel like putting tons of thinspo today.....YAY!!

It's time for lace thinspo!!!
Should I post a pic of myself? Let me know.




My ana friend isn't talking to me, it might just be because of the time difference but it bugs me!!!! I need my support group. Help!!!!

More after school.

Love you all,

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